Monday, July 29, 2019

The Industrial Revolution in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Industrial Revolution in Europe - Essay Example (Richard and Gianni 1991, 2) The industrial revolution in the nineteenth century brought technological developments in all fields. Apart from that, it also played a great part in breaking the shackles of several barriers which were destroying the lives of several people for more than two centuries. Poverty, caste bias, financial depression, unemployment, ignorance all were crumbled down with the growth of new technologies and innovations from several people. (Richard and Gianni 1991, 2) It all started in Britain and continued to spread to other European countries with the economy prospering like never before and with unbelievable progress in science and technology. It started during the end of 18th century and reached impeccable heights during the 19th century. The changes cascaded to other fields too starting from manufacturing, transport and even to agriculture. Britain first brought out a change in the animal like work load placed on the humans by machinating every production and thereby increasing the employment rather than workload. This was followed with building of roadways, railways and canals. The birth of power fuelled by coal and other power generating materials doubled the rate at which the economy was growing and continued to spread across Europe and other parts of the world. (Richard and Gianni 1991, 2) Impact on 19th century history: As one could expect, the industrial revolution had enormous impact on the events happened in the society and as a result became an integral part of what the history of 19th century has turned out to be. Autocracy was brought down slowly and democracy came into existence. Market economy was brought into everyone's attention and surged to be biggest head turner. The revolution started slowly but steadily and gathered momentum as it progressed, finally turning to be an irreversible one. It entirely changed how people lived, their way of work and most of all, brought in a sense of security into everyone's life. (Richard and Gianni 1991, 2) Just like any action having both positive and negative to it, the nationalism and race of people grew together along with the industries. In fact, these two paradigms had such an impact that they too grew to become the basis for all the wars, humanitarian depressions and the sheet of barrier that stood up for so many years between the different countries of Europe. Since the revolution happened in stages and at different times in different countries of Europe, it further fuelled the cold war between the nations that were already separated by caste, creed, culture and language. (Richard and Gianni 1991, 2) A sense of whom being the superior rose in the minds of several countries leaders leading to damage the uniform development which was happening throughout the world, especially in Europe. This resulted in some countries becoming superior compared to others leaving them in a negligible state, offering themselves to be conquered. Though the current conditions are not so the way it was at that time, the leaders of that era failed to recognize this long term transformation leading to the several economic disasters and mind boggling wars, destroying lives all over the world. What, where, when, how and why industrial revolu

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