Sunday, July 28, 2019

Form post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Form post - Essay Example Felix awakens from his naà ¯ve reverie to a complete grasp of his harsh reality. Nandi serves as a metaphor for the painful but necessary process of remembrance (Vimeo 2:43). Butler differentiates gender from sex, which nowadays many do not agree with. Nandi take her position to survey the bloody land after the brutal massacre and destruction. She makes Felix who is a man in a foreign country aware of what is happening in his homeland. She thinks here as a man though a woman. Butler state that individuals build their culture upon people they meet, education and living condition experienced. Nandi works alone in the harsh environment and takes the part of men culturally not to let the memories fade away. On contrary, Staurt describes cultural study as relationship between different culture and politics theoretically. Kentrige studies the South African past political events. He starts from the brutal killings and mass destruction to when there is first election. This displays transformation though the memories were still there for remembrance. Nandi a woman used as the surveyor to help cover all visible evidence of the past, portrays

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